Zack Fair
ザックス フェア

SOLDIER / Mercenary


Height185 cm (6'3")
Weight48.03 kg (161 lbs.)
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBlue "Mako"

Biographical Information

HomeGongaga Village
AffiliationShinra Electric Power Company
OccupationSOLDIER / Mercenary

Second Class Soldier

Zack is tall, well-built, and has the iconic sky-blue "Mako eyes" common to SOLDIER members. He starts with spiky black hair with several bangs framing his face and wears a dark blue SOLDIER uniform (even if most 2nd Class members wear red and magenta), gloves, boots, and is equipped with a standard SOLDIER sword.

First Class Soldier and so on..

After being promoted he wears a black 1st Class SOLDIER uniform, and gains the Buster Sword as well as an X-shaped scar on his cheek and his spiky hair grows out and becomes wilder with a single lock of hair hanging down in front of his face. He now has a silver earring in his left ear.


Zack has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His energetic personality and short attention span earned the nickname "Zack the Puppy" from Angeal. He is loyal to SOLDIER and dreams of becoming a hero. He is sociable and easily befriends almost everyone. Angeal's words of valuing dreams and honor have had a great impact on Zack. He is flirty with women and protective of his friends.


Just some information about how I portray Zack

This will be an independent portrayal of Zack Fair. There will be some canon talk here and there but just how he acts and with others, will be up to me.

1. NSFW roleplays will always be taken into DMs. Flooding someone's TL with sex between characters isn't what I want.

2. I tend to get a bit lazy with replies from time-to-time, so forgive me beforehand with anything like that. I will more than likely let you know if I start to trail off from replying. No offense to you, just a 'me' problem.

3. Fighting RPs will be great to have! I will always be down to stir up some sort of fight between our characters.

4. My DM will always be open for anyone to swing in who want to start plotting up an RP or even get to know me as a writer!

5. Multiverse is a big 'yes.' I will always look for people that exist outside the Final Fantasy verse in hopes of getting more interactions going.

6. Shipping with chemistry built. No matter where your character is from, if it can happen, it can happen.

7. Also, I'm purely straight. It doesn't mean that I'm homophobic or anything like that; just don't pester me or try to convert me over into doing something like that. Strictly friendships of the same gender.

( Made with Carrd )